SR History

Since 1986

Sperimental Radio – Sugar Radio – International DX Group

Founded in December 1986, by few active operators that were enjoing DX on the 11 Meters Band, it soon became a very interesting iniziative. Naturally thè Group has always searched a very high professionality in thè way of operate of thè people that belong to thè Group or that would like to enter it. For this we have to thank who, till now, made keep thè Group thè high values of “Radio Communication” on thè 11 Meters Band. Ali this has permitted to thè Group, after 4 years to have members from over 160 differents countries.
The Sperimentai Radio Group organizes each year various DX Expeditions in Most Wanted Countries, giving so thè opportunity not only thè people belonging to thè Group (members) but even to thè others, to contact countries never expected.
Fundamental rule of thè DX Expedition is to confirm thè contact directely from thè country activated. In case that this would not be possible, thè H.Q. reserves thè right to show with tangible evidences thè truthfulness of thè DX Expedition.

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